This change was quickly captured by the College Pencak Silat Martial Arts Empty Hand (PPS Betako) White Pigeon. Arts college that was born in 1963, could turn themselves into a college that not only had a death in battle stance, but can also be used for health and other fields.
White Pigeon since 1989 to develop a method of vibration in a natural exercise. By studying these vibrations, a White Pigeon fighter capable of raising the vibrations around them.
"If someone has been trained then he will be able to detect the hidden object, and read the situation based on the energy around him" said Vice Chairman of the White Pigeon, Bambang Rus Effendi. In fact they were able to perform the detection of nuclear radiation. "This has been studied in BATAN (National Atomic Energy Agency) and the results are very satisfactory."
Development of vibration method is obviously very useful for the blind. Although can not see, but through vibration training blind people will be able to distinguish and identify the shape, color, texture, direction, speed, volume, and composition of various objects.