This change was quickly captured by the College Pencak Silat Martial Arts Empty Hand (PPS Betako) White Pigeon. Arts college that was born in 1963, could turn themselves into a college that not only had a death in battle stance, but can also be used for health and other fields.
White Pigeon since 1989 to develop a method of vibration in a natural exercise. By studying these vibrations, a White Pigeon fighter capable of raising the vibrations around them.
"If someone has been trained then he will be able to detect the hidden object, and read the situation based on the energy around him" said Vice Chairman of the White Pigeon, Bambang Rus Effendi. In fact they were able to perform the detection of nuclear radiation. "This has been studied in BATAN (National Atomic Energy Agency) and the results are very satisfactory."
Development of vibration method is obviously very useful for the blind. Although can not see, but through vibration training blind people will be able to distinguish and identify the shape, color, texture, direction, speed, volume, and composition of various objects.
Awareness of the benefits of this vibration method for the blind push this college founded in 1995 Destarata Foundation. The existence of this foundation is intended to create and implement training programs for the blind. "Especially the blind, there are separate methods, so they only took one year to master the vibrational energy," said Bambang.
During its development, there were approximately 3000 people with visual impairment in Indonesia who has been practicing Sciences Vibration White Pigeon. Benefits, now they've been able to live independently.
There is no magic element in the development of White Pigeon. According to Bambang, basically in the human body there is a great energy. However, this energy can not be controlled, so that only appears at certain times only.
"For example, when we chased the dog, sometimes we can jump over a high fence. However, if normal as we possibly can not do it, "said Bambang. This suggests that in man there are actually great energy. Unfortunately, this energy appears only under certain conditions.
White doves then translate it in the exercises. From this great energy that can be controlled and can be raised at any time. "Initially, the energy that appears in the form of crude energy, which can be used for breaking hard objects.
Such as stone, miserly, beams, and so "said Bambang. Is in the process of detection of vibration, rough energy of the body is actually refined and applied to the brain. From this process the energy is then released again to detect the presence of objects that exist around it.
White Pigeon success in developing a method of vibration, stunning many neighboring countries. Singapore has sent a blind man for depth. It is no less important is the White Pigeon also be developed for the treatment and fitness. White Pigeon medicine is also able to treat some diseases.
"Breathing that we have developed will be used to treat diabetes, asthma, or heart. Through intensive training process, these diseases can be cured God willing, "he explained. People with the disease, like cancer, but the process can also be cured through the technique of vibration.
The existence of White Pigeon, has given a new color in the world of martial arts of Indonesia. Their success in developing the power, it can provide great benefits for treatment as well as the interests of the blind.
Indonesia is also the name of the fighter diharumkam beberapakali of White Pigeon. Currently Indonesian silat athletes, too many are born of White Pigeon. Even those listed as the record holder for Indonesian Record Museum (MURI), when 11 people pesilatnya take action to close the eyes of the Bogor Palace to City Hall. Action which traveled as far as 60 km that can be done smoothly.
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